OceanWise is a European project with thirteen partners from five countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.
OceanWise comprises 13 partners ranging from national governmental organizations and operational agencies to knowledge centres from the 5 countries. In addition, the OSPAR Secretariat has joined the partnership as associated partner, adding institutional support and advice to the project, as the OSPAR Convention includes all the countries of the North-East Atlantic area.

Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos – DGRM
DGRM is a department of the public Administration at the Portuguese Ministry of Sea. It is the national competent authority on coordination & implementation of MSFD, marine protected areas, maritime spatial planning, fisheries, and safety of marine traffic. DGRM represents Portugal in the OSPAR Convention.

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias. – FCT
NOVA University practices interdisciplinary research, materialized by the publication of a “large number of articles in international magazines with wide recognition, of great demand and quality. MARE-NOVA hub main objective is the excellence in the study of aquatic ecosystems and the dissemination of knowledge to support sustainable development policies, with a long experience of intervention in areas of governance and active public participation within collaborative public policies.

Sociedade Ponto Verde – SPV
Sociedade Ponto Verde is a private not-for-profit organisation that promotes the selective collection, take-back and recycling of packaging waste in Portugal. Working on behalf of packers/fillers/importers, manufacturers of packaging and packing materials, and distributors, its operation follows the Integrated Packaging Waste Management System (SIGRE) – the Green Dot system.

Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government – DHPLG
DHPLG is the Ministry with responsibility for marine environmental policy including marine litter policy. It is the competent authority for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in Ireland and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive.
DHPLG represents Ireland at OSPAR and in all other international forums dealing with marine environmental policy.

University College Cork, National University of Ireland /University College Cork – MaREi
Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy
MaREI is the marine and renewable energy research, development and innovation Centre supported by Science Foundation Ireland. MaREI is coordinated by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork. The MaREI centre is skilled in working with policy and industry communities to develop sustainably focused solutions relating to aspects of marine planning and management.

Université Bretagne Sud
Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme / Université de Bretagne Sud – UBS
The UBS laboratory IRDL strives to develop researches related to biopolymers: (eco)conception, forming, performances and durability under different circumstances, end of life, including recycling and biodegradability. IRDL has developed a special expertise in the field of marine applications.

Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science – Cefas
Cefas supports governments, businesses and society in the UK and internationally to ensure that seas and rivers are healthy and productive, thereby enabling food security and sustainable development.

Board lascaigh Mhara – BIM
Bord Iascaigh Mhara is the Irish State agency responsible for developing the Irish seafood industry. BIM provides technical expertise, business support, funding, training and promotes responsible environmental practice.

Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación – CETMAR
CETMAR is a non-profit public foundation that aims to promote a sustainable development of marine environment & resources and to foster links and cooperation between R&D agents, the maritime-fishing industry and other major stakeholders.

Centre de documentation, de recherche et d’expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des Eaux – Cedre
Cedre is a non-profit organisation with a public service mission created in 1979 for advising the French authorities in case of oil or HNS spill in marine waters. Since 2008, Cedre supports the French ministry of environment in the EU-MSFD implementation (as pilot for the beach litter descriptor, incl. microplastics) and in its OSPAR commitments (as delegate in ICG Marine Litter).

Repak Limited
Repak is a not for profit company set up by Irish business and owned by its members. Repak charges fees to its members in accordance with the amount and type of packaging they place on the Irish market. These fees are used to subsidise the collection and recovery of waste packaging through registered recovery operators across Ireland.

ICCI Sea Bird
ICCI SeaBIRD is a design office specializing in innovation, development and manufacture finished products. SeaBIRD works on bioplastics for many sectors such as maritime sector (including fisheries sector).

Sustainability Innovation, Sociedad Limitada – Sustainn
Sustainn is a consultancy firm that promotes the application of Circular Economy concepts to the development of economical, social and environmentally sustainable products and services, oriented to the efficient exploitation and use of resources, as well as to the waste reduction from the early stages of the design.
Associated Partner

OSPAR Secretariat – Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East
The OSPAR Secretariat is responsible for ensuring implementation of the OSPAR Strategies in relation to marine litter, including the Regional Action Plan (RAP – ML) and the regional coordination of the MSFD in the North East Atlantic. OSPAR can help ensure the results are embedded in the region. The OSPAR secretariat represents 16 Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention (BE, DK, FI, FR, DE, IS, IE, LU, NL, NO, PT, SP, SE, CH, UK and EU) and facilitates the coherent regional implementation of the North East Atlantic Environment Strategy, including regional implementation of the MSFD
Get to know the OceanWise team
Coming soon

OceanWise deals with marine litter in a circular economy perspective. It is focused exclusively on foamed polystyrene plastic (i.e. EPS and XPS ) products and applications with a likelihood to become marine litter. OceanWise wants to approach this issue with a wide-view angle, by putting together a multi-sectoral platform to include Governmental bodies responsible for marine environment management, Industry and other stakeholders, waste management authorities, designers, circular economy modellers, I&D specialists in participatory processes, and end-users. EPS is short for expanded polystyrene, commonly known as plastic foam or styrofoam. XPS is another type of expanded polystyrene material.
© 2019 OceanWise project
The OceanWise project is co-financed by
the European Regional Development Fund
through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme

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- OceanWise deals with marine litter in a circular economy perspective. It is focused exclusively on expanded polystyrene (EPS ) products and applications with a likelihood to become marine litter. OceanWise wants to approach this issue with a wide-view angle, by putting together a multi-sectoral platform to include Governmental bodies responsible for marine environment management, Industry and other stakeholders, waste management authorities, designers, circular economy modellers, I&D specialists in participatory processes, and end-users. EPS is short for expanded polystyrene, commonly known as plastic foams, and called styrofoam in the U.S.
© 2021 OceanWise project
The OceanWise project is co-financed by
the European Regional Development Fund
through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme