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Give us feedback. Your valuable opinions and thoughts can help us make a difference; Whether you work in the corporate world, government or academia we’d love to hear what are you doing to prevent EPS ending in our oceans; Be part of OceanWise and help us know more. Can we ask you what we don’t know about EPS?hether you work in the corporate world, government or academia we’d love to hear what are you doing to prevent EPS ending in our oceans;
Your contributions will be made available in OceanWise platform, after we process them. And welcome to OceanWise family!
OceanWise deals with marine litter in a circular economy perspective. It is focused exclusively on foamed polystyrene plastic (i.e. EPS and XPS ) products and applications with a likelihood to become marine litter. OceanWise wants to approach this issue with a wide-view angle, by putting together a multi-sectoral platform to include Governmental bodies responsible for marine environment management, Industry and other stakeholders, waste management authorities, designers, circular economy modellers, I&D specialists in participatory processes, and end-users. EPS is short for expanded polystyrene, commonly known as plastic foam or styrofoam. XPS is another type of expanded polystyrene material.